The Underwater Welder By Jeff Lemire

Format: ebook

a book outside of your (genre) comfort zone. #mmdchallenge 2020 (Modern Mrs Darcy)

     This is a graphic novel, which is definitely not my go to genre. In fact, I don't think I've ever read a graphic novel. Comic strips? Yes, but not a graphic novel. I'm not even really sure why. It's just never been on my radar. I did enjoy this one. To me, it's sort of got a Ray Bradbury vibe mixed in with a bit of "It's a Wonderful Life". It's spooky, haunting, and heartwarming. There are parts that are confusing, but there is a reason for that. I can't really say why because it will give away too much. All I can say is that, ultimately, this is a story about family. 


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