Back to the Classics Reading Challenge 2020 (Sign-Up)

I will again be participating in the Back to the Classics Reading Challenge hosted by Karen @Books and Chocolate. My tentative choice for each category is listed in Red.

Note: I always try to go for all twelve categories, but I've never succeeded. I'm OK with that, though. I just really love participating. In 2019 I completed Tier 1: Six Categories. We'll see how it goes this year.


1. 19th Century Classic. Any classic book originally published between 1800 and 1899. The Lifted Veil by George Eliot

2. 20th Century Classic. Any classic book originally published between 1900 and 1970. All books in this category must have been published at least 50 years ago. The only exceptions are books that were published posthumously but were written at least 50 years ago. The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson

3. Classic by a Woman Author. The Edge of the Sea by Rachel Carson

4. Classic in Translation. Any classic originally written in a novel other than your native language. You may read the book in your native language, or its original language (or a third language for all you polyglots). Modern translations are acceptable, as long as the book was originally published at least 50 years ago. Antigone by Sophocles (Greek) 

5. Classic by a Person of Color. Any classic work by a non-white author. I am a Cat by Sōseko Natsume (Japanese)

6. A Genre Classic. Any classic novel that falls into a genre category -- fantasy, science fiction, Western, romance, crime, horror, etc. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (Horror)

7. Classic with a Person's Name in the Title. First name, last name or both. Charlotte's Web by E. B. White

8. Classic with a Place in the Title. Any classic with the proper name of a place (real or fictional) - a country, region, city, town, village, street, building, etc. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

9. Classic with Nature in the Title. A classic with any element of nature in the title (not including animals) Under the Sea-Wind by Rachel Carson

10. Classic About a Family. This classic should have multiple members of the same family as principal characters, either from the same generation or multiple different generations. Updated: Family members in the title are also acceptable. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (re-read) 

11. Abandoned Classic. Choose a classic that you started and just never got around to finishing, whether you didn't like it at or just didn't get around to it. Now is the time to give it another try. Middlemarch by George Eliot

12. Classic Adaptation. Any classic that's been adapted as a movie or TV series. Pied Piper by Nevil Shute  (Movie 1942/1990)


  1. I didn't know Pied Piper had an adaptation -- I just read it for the 20th century classic for the challenge! I will have to look for it.

    I've also read Middlemarch and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, both wonderful. I hope you like them!

    1. I didn't know until I looked it up. I haven't seen the adaptations. I read a lot of Middlemarch, but I didn't finish because I was dealing with too much at the time. I have several chronic illnesses, so it happens. I did really like it so far though, so I am going to start over, and hope to be able to finish it this time.


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