The Dog Stars by Peter Heller

Format: Hardcover Category: A book in the backlist of a favorite author- #mmdchallenge ( Modern Mrs Darcy ) "I once had a book on the stars but now I don't. My memory serves but not stellar, ha. So I made up constellations. I made a Bear and a Goat but maybe not where they are supposed to be, I made some for the animals that once were, the ones I know about." I read Peter Heller's newest novel, The River, for the #mmdchallenge (a book by an author who is new to you), and it was so good that I named Heller a new favorite author of mine. I had great expectations for The Dog Stars, and it did not disappoint. This is a post-apocalyptic novel with an elegeic tone. The reading experience, for me, was much like swimming in an ocean. The terse writing style with it's fragmented sentences and lack of quotation marks threw me off at first, but I quickly adjusted, and began to appreciate these choppy waves and how they are indicative of the broken and ...