Week 7- #GRIMMread2019


I'm picking up on a few more tropes. Up to this point, I think that every story with sibling in it follows this formula: 2 brothers=enemies, 2 sisters=enemies, and 1 sister + any number of brothers= friends, and the sister always rescues her brother/brothers. The Seven Ravens is my favorite of this week's selection of stories. It's similar to the The Twelve Brothers, but it's more surreal, and I like it better. The imagery is very whimsical, which isn't to say it's not terrifying at parts. One thing that really stood out to me was that the brothers were cursed by accident. Their father was frustrated with them, and rashly says he wishes they were all turned into ravens. (Who hasn't said some stupid things when angry?) The consequences of these rashly uttered words are harsh, and this is probably the most terrifying aspect of the story, though it seems subtle compared to the imagery of the carnivorous Sun and Moon the sister meets, or her cutting off her own finger and using it as key to redeem her brothers. There is also very beautiful imagery such as the Stars and the Glass Mountain. I'd love to see a retelling of this one.


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