Speak of the devil, and he will appear... in two of this week's stories: The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs and The Girl without Hands. The other two stories: The Louse and the Flea and Clever Hans are rather silly and repetitive. They make me think of those we sing silly songs for kids, like the green grass grows all around, and there was an old woman who swallowed a fly, and others. The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs: This story has some comical moments. The scene with the devil's grandmother, in particular, had me laughing. I had to look up what a caul was. It's part of an amniotic sac. The kid was born with this on his head, which makes him lucky. He survives being sent down a river in a box by a jealous king (sound familiar?), and continues to cheat death, and the devil, with his wits, luck, and goodness. The ferryma...